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Bottles have gone into Australian landfill and waterways since you have viewed this page. We just aren't okay with that.

By navigating here you are either curious or care about the planet. The team at Narcotic H2O care, we’re addicted to saving the planet.

How? Why?

Well it’s so simple really. We could list numerous facts and put links to quality reports like 60 Minutes Australia, but let us make it simple.

Plastic bottles are not fully recyclable, with recent estimates of recycled plastics being possibly as low as only 5%. Narcotic H2O cans can be 100% recycled. You don’t need to be a mathematician for this one.

You’re still here? Great.

The facts are out there, we encourage you to do your own research. We are not trying to convince you the earth is flat (everyone has that friend), we are telling you that our cans don’t need to be burned, put in landfill or shipped out of sight to another country to bury or burn them for us. So, when you buy any Narcotic H2O product you are choosing to reduce your footprint on your planet.

Buy a can so we can make it over and over again, filling it with pure goodness each time.

Your planet, your body and our future thanks you.